Hampton Roads, Va (December 1, 2010) - BINCHMARK provided video production services to Hampton Roads LIVE for coverage of Physicians For Peace.
Physicians For Peace was started in 1989 and they send teams of medical volunteers — including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals to places where their teaching and special skills are needed most. Physicians for Peace has made trips to such places as: Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and beyond while changing the lives of countless thousands of people along the way.
BINCHMARK provided video production services to Hampton Roads LIVE as they interviewed the President of Physicians For Peace Ronald Scoyners about the effect Physicians For Peace is having around the world. He spoke about the doctors and volunteers that have visited developing countries to provide training and education to health care professionals. These trained professionals will be able to continue the work Physicians For Peace started to further assist the people of their country.