Sunday, December 25, 2011

Great Tips For Employers On Setting Your Salary Budget

As a company starting out it can be difficult to determine what salary and pay you should have in place for your employees. There are several factors to keep in mind when determining your range.  Remember you want to attract the best possible candidate for the job without running your budget into the ground. You also have to decipher a person’s salary by their job position. Take for example a sales position, if it’s this person’s job to bring in revenue to the company, if the sales they're generating covers their salary you can offer them a lower base pay plus commission. In this situation you have to monitor their sales to be sure this person is generating the revenue necessary for the company to maintain their position and pay. Also check with other company’s in the areas in the same industry to get an average salary range company’s are spending. Think about how valuable that person’s position is to the company, does a large portion of the company’s success depend on this persons position? For positions such as administrative staff you can possibly use a temp agency to start off for help or hire part-time employees if you fill you need assistance but not necessarily enough work for a full-time employee. For more information read full article

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Get Your Answers And The Keys To Conducting A Good Job Interview

In order to find a good employee you need to conduct effective job interviews to find the right candidate. You have to be prepared when interviewing potential employees. Make sure you really familiarize yourself with the candidate’s resume and job skills so you can ask the right questions about their previous employment. Have several questions prepared that you want to ask them about their resume and scenarios about the job they are applying for to see if they are a qualified fit for the job. Ask open end questions as they will leave the candidate open to give a full detailed response so you can learn more about them. Also before you start the interview process know what you are looking for, make a list of qualities your seeking an in employee.

During the interview write down comments about the candidate such as how they answer the questions, how long it took them to answer, did they give short quick answers to everything or did they fully answer your question, how are they dresses, what where there mannerism while answering the questions. Writing down these comments will help you later when your reviewing which candidate was best suited for the job. Once your finish interviewing candidates don’t be afraid to conduct a second interview to get more in depth information on the candidate to see if your instincts about them were correct.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Business Card Basics

As a business professional it is important to make a good impression, so why do so many professionals overlook the obvious first impression they often give to their colleagues, their business card. Your business card is your opportunity to impress potential clients and customers with a positive brand image about doing business with you.

You have the do-it-yourself online tools to produce business cards but sometimes these cards are easily identifiable because they are not custom and used by many other people. Also when use the free do-it-yourself tools you need to remember to pay the extra charge to remove the signage on the back of the card that may say “This card was printed Free from ….”. You have to think about what type of message that sends to those people you’re trying to do business with? It may draw questions like, is this person going to cut corners when they are doing work for me?

Some helpful tips to a well designed business card include:

1) Get help from a professional designer – When looking for a designer review samples of their work to get an idea of their capabilities and style before you make a decision. This same designer should also be able to assist you with items such as your company letterhead, brochures, envelopes, posters, etc. so your branding is uniform.

2) Keep the standard business card size unless your confident the design of the business card is impressive. You can make changes to the standard business card to make it different such as having rounded edges or choosing complimenting color chooses or even printing it vertically rather then horizontally.

3) Make sure you include your contact information on the card but don’t go overboard with information. Keep it simple, include your name, company name & title, office number, mobile number, fax, email address, physical or mailing address, and website address. When possible include your company logo on your card for brand identification.

4) The back of the card can be left blank or your can add your company tag line/mission statement or brief bullets points of your services but don’t try to cram a lot of information on the back of your card.